Estel Vilaseca

Cutting Edge Pattern and Textures

Autorisierte amerikanische Originalausgabe.
336 Seiten, durchgehend farbig illustriert.
Flexibind 13,5 × 18,5 cm.
Authorized American edition.
Including a companion CD-ROM for PC/Mac.
336 pp color throughout.
Flexibind 13,5 × 18,5 cm.

ISBN-10: 3-283-01107-9
ISBN-13: 978-3-283-01107-9
€ (D): 29,95
sFr.: 38.90
Lieferbar / Available

Cutting Edge Pattern and Textures

  • Cutting Edge Pattern and Textures is a stimulating book featuring full-page, color images of inspired patterns and boasts an eclectic array of styles from all around the world.This is destined to become a desktop reference for professional and amateur designers alike.
  • Includes a CD-ROM for allowing designers to print and manipulate all patterns for reference and use.
  • 113 unique and original patterns
  • A catalog of pattern ideas and inspiration for all types of designers and artists.